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Picture Book Spotlight: Disaster Chickens

Disaster Chickens

Disaster Chickens by David Hall and Abigail Barr
Published: Amazon Digital Services LLC, 2018
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A group of chickens goes about their business until disaster strikes. The nature of the disasters grows more deadly with each story at ludicrous speed. The chickens take it all in stride.

I chose this book for review because the concept struck me as absurd in the best way and it did not disappoint. The flat, passive artwork made every punchline funnier, and by the time the chickens were involved in a world war, I was laughing out loud.

This quote sums up the appeal:

Ken checks through his books and confirms with a frown.
That the plague isn’t pleasant and they must all leave town.

There are some issues in the copy with grammar and punctuation that can be distracting. The typography, however, is interesting and balanced.

Static artwork is usually an approach I don’t care for, but here it supports the outrageous humor. The chickens stare straight ahead, wide-eyed and disinterested as the worst things imaginable come their way. That said, the ironic humor may have more appeal for adults than kids.