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Picture Book Spotlight: Roo the Little Red Tuk Tuk

Roo the Little Red Tuk Tuk

Roo the Little Red Tuk Tuk by Nadishka Aloysius and Privanka Fonseka
Published: Nadishka Aloysius Books, 2019
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Roo is a transportation vehicle in Colombo called a Tuk Tuk. He tells stories about his past adventures that include bookmobile charities, polo, and a children’s playground.

There was a lot of information in this story that was new to me and a treat to learn. I’d never heard of an Avurudhu competition before, a race for the popular three-wheeled taxis that maneuver through heavy traffic in many parts of Asia. Seeing Tuk Tuks used instead of horses for a game of polo was also a lot of fun. Brief mentions of other local customs, like Baila music, stirred my interest in more research.

The illustrations seemed simple at first but I quickly warmed up to them. Much of that is owed to Fonseka’s use of bold, saturated colors and the happy smile on every face. The draftsmanship certainly gets the ideas across.

I particularly liked the inclusion of helpful Sri Lankan terminology in the back, as well as the happy ending for Roo. Recommended for young readers who would like more exposure to a vibrant culture.